

HomeProduct SolutionsRegistration

Say goodbye to long queue and lengthy registration! Krowdz will assist you to ensure an easy and seamless registration for your visitors and tenants.

Visitor Registration Features

Online & Offline Registration
Online & Offline Registration

Register from anywhere at anytime! Allow your visitor to register for your event at their own comfort.

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Email Verification
Email Verification

No more lengthy verification process! All can be accessed with ease from your email.

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Group Registration
Group Registration

Group registration never been easier! Krowdz will ensure your your group visitors registered easily.

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Schedule Management
Schedule Management

All settled in! Set all visitor schedule for your event easily with Krowdz system.

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Visitor Data Validation
Visitor Data Validation

Validate your visitors data easily through Krowdz intuitive system.

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Visitor Registration Benefits

Icon Shorten Registration Queue

Shorten Registration

Everything is easier and faster! Our integrated registration system will allow your visitor to enjoy your event longer while significantly boosting your tenant PIC's performance.

Icon Seamless Registration Process

Registration Process

Ensure your visitor's easy access to your event through seamless online and offline registration process.

Icon Plan Your Strategy Ahead

Plan Your
Strategy Ahead

Krowdz ready to help enhancing your event's efficiency through complete and systematic data for your strategic purposes.

Enhance Your Event With


Visitor Registration


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Having hard time analyzing your event data one by one? Worry no more! Krowdz will have your data systematically visualized through your dashboard and downloadable report.

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Learn more about your visitor while providing them an easy access throughout your event with QR codes and Activity Forms!

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Here in Krowdz, we know that managing a big team for your event is not an easy task. Therefore, we are ready to help you! Our User Management & Communication channel will surely boost your team efficiency by setting up their roles while also providing streamlined communication access.

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